New gambit?
Got this from someone who got this from Facebook:)
TIFU by Eating 161 Eggs in 13 Days
What is supposed to be good in this design?
Spark Frog
I think he likes law
It Always Sounds Reasonable At First.
Newly spoiled full-art Mountain for Aetherdrift.
The First Stone
Does kissing Annah have consequences with Deionarra?
Oh no
For my first playthrouhg I made alignment shifts invisbile and was just now wondering how I was doing, and uhhh... I'm less lawful good than I thought.
Does this work as intended?
Is this a reference?
How Slaanesh feels every time discussion of Lucius the Eternal comes around.
A bar in Hamburg (Germany) offers these drinks.
I need desperately know what these mods name hair and clothes please
I guess Mat got old
Spirit Guardians should have been a martial ability
Hey slaanesh fans i recommend the Crossed.
Math is important
This guy completed every single regularly printed mtg set ever