The finale of the universe
What's your favourite insult or comeback?
God forbid a girl has a belly
"Your pussy is mine" uhm?
Just cuz I'm a goblin doesn't mean I can't be cute ok
Top tier
What's small thing do poor people notice in middle class houses, that middle class people have no idea marks them as middle class?
Biggest Lore Books
If human reproduction required an intense, hour-long philosophical debate between partners before conception, how do you think society would change?
Best Cosmere Quotes
What makes you sleep peacefully?
Anyone Else "Growing Up"
Anyone else really struggle to get into LitRPG?
What a fun and quirky thing to do
Men of Reddit, how would you feel if you were called “beautiful” instead of “handsome”?
I really like Reddit but some of yall have massive sticks up y’all’s asses lmao.
And whose fault is that?
I need a unique gender neutral name!!
I’m reading elantris for the first time
Sarene’s character
What is something you secretly judge people for?
What bosses lived up to the difficulty hype and which ones did not for you?
What’s something people think is a sign of intelligence, but actually isn’t?
Those who grew up poor, what is something those who weren't poor don't understand about being poor?