Respondendo a clássica pergunta que todos os fãs de Jujutsu fazem no Twitter. Qual o seu tipo de mulher?
Pergunta: Qual anime vocês acham que tem a fandom mais pacífica atuamente?
Qual jogo tem a fandom mais pacífica atualmente?
Sub-Zero canonically learned the "Shotokan" fighting style, wouldn't that make him technically a shoto?
Oppressor characters?
Glass Cannon Characters?
Does anyone in the community know of any characters similar to Makoto from Street Fighter? (In terms of gameplay)
Comment the last game you played, but add "& Knuckles" to the end of it
Is there a version of Fightcade for mobile? I just want to clear this doubt
What is the best Brawler character in fighting games, in your opinion?
Earthrealm Kitana, Reptile and Mileena
Who is your favorite "Slow but heavy" type fighting game character?
Do you know any characters who use Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) or Vale Tudo?
Between DMC Vergil & DmC Vergil, who’s fashion is better?