how yall like it
I made some art
Spell your name with System Of A Down songs
Country in the Middle East assignment
Do people get turned off when seeing scars?
What song is this?
Can we please talk about some of the lyrics of Serj and Daron’s solo projects?? 😭
Who wins
Anyone know who said “Hey!” In Mr. Jack at 1:55?
What band shirt?
Do you usually cry when you self harm?
I can’t stop referencing System. HELP
What band got you into black metal?
I will NEVER let this go😭
See y’all in August!
Are there any bands that are even slightly similar to Scars On Broadway's 70s surfer rock/punk/metal vibe? Or is Malakian the ultimate Frankenstein of the guitar world that can just ejaculate cool thick beats?
bruh I thought we were past this 🫤🫤
Dream about Daron
People who dont sh but claim to know all about it are annoying
If you had to pick one System of a Down lyric to best describe the band to a first time listener, what would it be?
What is your favorite SOAD song based strictly on drums?
One Word
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the fact that i used to self harm made me feel disgusted/scared of blood and anything sharp