Adopt me! I am so sweet!
(20F) me wants to know would it be reasonable for my gf (19F) to have Tinder to make friends?
Why do I suck at driving?
What is this?
Progress not showing
Going to ER for ingrown toenail
Flea or bedbugs? (Which one is worse)
Bloody toe…
This Subreddit Sucks.
What is the pain of getting an ingrown removed?
Toe update
Does this look bad?
Im not sure which test to take, the ACT or SAT
Exchange programs In Japan
Emotions and Fibromyalgia
Christmas Presents
Living life with Chronic Pain and fatigue
So much pain
[My sweet bunny cage]
How to deal with periods
Any other dancers here w chronic illness?
Beginner Ballet Dancer Tips
Advice on Classes
Need help and info for first time explorer 🧭