Favorite character who made a horrible mistake?
Guys... I just want to see how peak this whole section will be.
Is he taking the win or not?
Who would you rather fight against as a Jedi Master? (They are both depicted as they are in this show.)
So I just found this in r/FavoriteCharacter...
Put a face on luz
favorite character that you think is cute
More official pictures
Tooru vs SCP-096 is amazing
"Guys, he's right behind us isn't he?"
Which World/Iceborne renders go the absolute hardest?
Favorite example of "Same person btw"
Found these 20 year old forum posts hyping up GTA San Andreas
Pearson's phantom head
What kind of custom shoutouts y'all rocking?
Uhhh guys what does fluff mean?
Tell me
Describe your country in Detroit become human terms
Me after hearing the name Behemoth again after losing to him over 50 times a year, didn't come back to the game for 2 years, and lose another 50 times until mastering the weeb sword:
what happen here
You suddenly spawned in the last game you played, what would you do as the first thing?
Official Season 2 poster for 'Andor'
Yknow if you feel this way while playing through it, can't you just do this?