Hi there, if you visited my profile just to downvote every single post I made, then do yourself a favor and…
Welcome to "Cloud Dine'
AITA for setting a teenage girl on fire after she made my toxic date bald?
Last time I am allowing kids at my business (threat)
My sim just died from a meteorite
cooking dinner with a sleep mask best idea ever
My sims first 'masterpiece' 😂
r/Comics top 25: A year in review (subtitle: One of these comics is not Like the others)
ah hell nah why subaru and lexus enjurd? doo thei have lief insheurants??
Tomodachi Life level up items tournament! Pick your least liked item! The most voted item will be eliminated! Tournament updates every day
Find your shitty PizzaCake name! (shitpost)
I identify as a vaccine...
Miss Robin Banks break in my house and sent me this text after she escaped
My tattoo artist won't produce poor tattoos
White countries for white people
unimaginable horrors
I'm trying real hard to make the sim from the add, but it's off. I'd love some tips! I do not have enough tatoo level to unlock all her tats but I'll get there. More info in my comment
I recompiled a list of all the crimes that you can commit in the game (and how to commit them), and I just realized just how dangerous the Sims world is.
Johnny Johnny
No criticism allowed!
First juice with transgressioncelebration as my first victim
How to get these trophies?