Mom’s Pitbull Mix Attacked Me
Looking for hook ups? Sexting, Sex chat, meets, meet ups, threesomes, swingers, swinging or casual sex in my area or near me. Try site in the comments
First ’straight’ meet up of the new year
Posing With The Local Naked Cosplayer
Can someone help me figure out what is going on?
Water cut off in entire complex
To the women at Lowes, What’s the worst thing a customer has said to you regarding you not being a man?
Locked in at Target
No red hoodies allowed. Corporate nobodies strike again.
“You’re a specialty team member now, you need to get all of this pushed out on the floor in four hours.” I’m mainly beauty, but this is my second shift in style and I was told that ALL SEVEN CARTS NEED TO BE PUSHED IN FOUR HOURS BY MYSELF. Am I being a baby about this?
Can they force us to have the MyTime app?
Extreme eczema/psoriasis on the scalp?
Question for Style team..
Any chance there’ll still be FB squish today?