You have a 10 hour flight, where are you sitting??
Id request
What’s a random fact about yourself that sounds completely made up but is 100% true?
The Dutroux Affair
ID request
Smoking rock at work
You can’t tell me this isn’t the biggest virtue signaling psyop of the decade. It’s so blatantly obvious, the rabbit hole is deep on it, but the question is what’s the intended outcome?
Could the Rich Be Running Their Own Deadly Reality Shows? The Real-Life Squid Game Conspiracy
Anyone hiring?
Robin Williams and Chester Bennington were soul crushing
Without lying, Tell me something you saw but nobody believes you.
Where will San Pedro grow unattended in America?
Who has never had covid?
What comes to mind?
Journalists with a big reach.
I need a TV series recommendation where the main character is completely crazy and unpredictable.
Big story, iso journalist, preferably labor
Thank you home Depot
switching from subs to kratom because I need to move
Let’s see your favorite crests
Genuinely Curious
Does kratom powder tea spoil?
ISO former natural grocers employees