Company I'm at is slow. Should I look for work elsewhere or is it slow everywhere?
Be nice to yourself… and others.
u/grodysattva is the man!
2nd haul of the day, different stand
PC graft stock—nice 12 inch cuts—7 cuts per box—5 boxes avail—$60 ea free ship
ISO thick old growth pc stump
Ikaros Landrace Matucana Peruvianus 12” w/roots from seed for 30 plus shipping
Rare Red-Spined Trichocereus bridgesii Cultivar Tip Cut BIN
Morbidly obese Huantar Santaensis 11” w/roots from seed for 50 plus shipping
🌵🔥 Seed Grown Huizache - Last Chance Sale
Phoenix BG #1and #2
Rooted Mid Sale! Thick rooted Azula Mids available, let’s get these to a good home few boxes going out tomorrow!These mids have been rooting since i first saved her almost two years ago. Mother stand in last pic. next to a water bottle! plus Vari in 3rd. Can send close ups if needed. BIN YOURS 💙
Full 2024 Seed List
At some point, would it grow better on its own roots?
DeLorean Peru
Does this soil mix look better for my peyote than the last?
Anyone recognize this? Couple inches sent me to the moon.
PACHINOI-super calousedAND READY TO GROW! See MOTHER TREE—PUPS are proven fast growers and beauties! 3 cuts $50
UFO over Curitiba, Brazil 2024.
Althea X Sharxx Yearling $50 +🚢
Huge BART (Monassa blue) $79 for 12” tip or deals for larger 🤙🏼
[FS] - Illinois - $5+ - Fish For Sale. Pea Puffer, Rasboras, Rainbowfish, Frontosa, Barbs,Snails, Crayfish, Plants, Etc.
Male mollies standing off in this past summers pool pond
Favorite mutt guppy in my tank