The McLaren W1 is insane
Printed a cylinder came out faceted. Any idea why?
Sony used air mortars to shoot 250,000 bouncy balls down San Francisco hills for a commercial instead of using CGI
is it just me or is dark souls 1 significantly harder than any other souls game?
From my brother in China
Early Battlefield 6 Footage Seems to Have Leaked Online
What is something that you wish would be added to BeamNG?
Don’t choose wrong resolution guys!
My girlfriend is beyond stupid and I feel like I might have to end the relationship
This is what $550 and $600 MSRP looks like in Europe. Croatia to be exact.
ThE 9070 (XT) Is GoInG To HaVe GoOd StOcK !
The ugliest, most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life!
My Nan has a tin of 125-year old chocolate sent by Queen Victoria to troops fighting the Boer War
What are your thoughts on the Sapphire Nitro+ RX 9070XT's 12whp connector?
Thanks Euler!
TIL an artist displayed 10 goldfish in individual blenders in a Danish museum and allowed visitors to turn on the machines. Some did.
9070XT prices are live on OverclockersUK. Good lord it's real..
[OC] Rating of Severance episodes
PC Case Gear in Australia claims "this is the best GPU launch availability we've ever seen for a GPU" ahead of the RX 9070 XT & RX 9070 launch.
Nvidia RTX 5070 and AMD RX 9070 and 9070 XT Review Megathread!
My concept for a Battle of Berlin map. Thoughts?
Rorsch MK1
ELI5: What gravitational force is pulling us away from the sun?
Dad gets up during every movie without pausing.
Remember when many here argued that the complaints about 12 GBs of vram being insufficient are exaggerated?