Best countries to transfer from to a U.S. university
To what country's Antarctic expedition is it easiest to join as a foreigner? (1. as a skilled specialist in anything 2. as a researcher)
Jewish Ukrainian President, kneeling with Muslim Ukrainians at Iftar, signing Ukrainian flag
Is it possible to start liking a language that I hate?
What are the famous people in STEM who double majored in college?
Thoughts on Scriptorium technique?
What is this terrain type in Pakistan? I guessed it was formed as a result of melting glaciers sliding down and cutting through rock although it may be on a too big scale. Hod did it form?
What are some famous people in STEM who pursued a double major in undergrad?
Some pictures I take from western side of Qeshm island in Iran
I made cuneiform tablets… with gingerbread!
Folks who became classicists or pursued it in college, why did you choose this path and what was your motivation?
Your thoughts on combining fantasy writing and biology learning?
Language schools in China for foreigners?
Is this song from Middle Kingdom atheistic? Were there atheists in ancient Egypt?
Is this song from the Middle Kingdom atheistic?
Is this song from ancient Egypt's middle kingdom atheistic? Were there atheists in ancient Egypt?
Experienced language learners, what is your daily routine? Please share in detail
You have to spend 1 year learning a language from scratch through full immersion - living in a community of native speakers and try to master their language, which one would you choose?
From an Engineer into Historian
The most ancient things on Earth
How do academics avoid burnout when there’s always more to do?
Is it true that in ancient Egypt there were people who studied "ancient Egypt"? Was history recognized as a sort of discipline and did scholars study it (let's say in the new kingdom era)?
What's the best double major to get into Earth science field research?
What's the best double major to get into Earth Science field research?