I’m completely serious
What would you do with no limit to your mana?
Every dish my fiance "washes" looks like this.
What would be the worst Non Marvel/Dc superhero world to live in?
Why did you say that name?!
Who has been the most "I was elected to lead, not to read" President?
Which of these four monster villains would you like to see I the monsterverse
A juice about American transphobe hypocrisy
What do you want for a Godzilla 3 Plot? (Picture Unrelated)
Warframe cross over
Why did Obama beat Hillary in the 2008 Democratic primaries?
Ask Flowey literally absolutely anything!!!
Even if you don't want religion in schools, we still want the IRS in the churches!
What shows and movies does this best apply to?
You might as well be their herald at this point
Quick game
What school of magic would you want to learn?
Gen Z who support Death Penalty, why do you trust the system not to kill any innocent people?
We don't realize we live in the best possible gaming timeline. We can enjoy both new and old.
Kings of prep time: Dr Doom and Batman. Who wins if both have 1 month?
i vote for the viltrumits
Favorite character(s) that fit this meme?
Which one would you agree with the most?